Nano-particles as Adsorbents in Wastewater Treatment


Nanotechnology has been of great importance in wastewater treatment to enhance treatment Efficiency and to increase water supply through safe use of unconventional water sources.

Nano-particles are of a very lesser size like less than 100nm. Nano-particles have very high absorbing, interacting and reacting capabilities as its size is quite small with high proportion of atoms at surface. It can also be mixed with aqueous suspensions and can behave as colloid. The methods of synthesis as well as applications rely upon the field at which they are used. One of the main factor is larger surface area to volume ratio(S/V Ratio). Hence, this makes it able to react very quickly, the best example for this type is silver nano-particle.

Various wastewater Treatment technologies like Coagulation, flocculation, bio-degradation, adsorption, ion-exchange, and advanced oxidation are the main techniques among which adsorption has been found to be the most energy efficient and cost-effective method. This is mainly because removal of both groups of soluble and insoluble organic, inorganic, and biological water contaminants is possible with the help of adsorption.

During the past few years, with evolution of Nanotechnology, a different range of adsorbents has been developed which can be produced at a large scale at minimal cost and can facilitate quick removal of dye and other pollutants from the surface of wastewater. Such nanomaterials offer a high reactive surface area at a Low mass and compared to activated carbon they can be synthesized at a lower cost and remove dyestuff at a much lower quantity also. Thus it can be really a good method in the process of wastewater treatment.

However, vast research is still going on these topics of nanotechnology in with association with adsorbents and scientists are yet to find out what lies ahead.





  1. it seems like this method is very effective

  2. Water contamination is a global challenge impacting both the environment and human health with significant economic and social costs. The growing scarcity of usable water resources requires effective treatment of wastewater. In this context, developing cheaper, safer and more efficient wastewater treatment technologies are the need of the hour. One promising approach that several studies have reported success has been the usage of nanomaterials in water and waste water management. The rapid progress of research in nanomaterial sciences has shown their growing potential and is the future of technology not only in the field of water treatment but in every other field as well.


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